Thursday, August 13, 2020

Doctor Faustus

Doctor Faustus -Plot Summary

Let's review the plot of Doctor Faustus. The play is composed of acts that include: chorus, interludes and scenes comprised of action.
In act 1 - Doctor John Faustus is introduced by the chorus in the introduction, the chorus explains that his story is not a tale of warfare or love but of a budding intellectual who has choose traditional areas of study to explore necromancy or black magic for fame and fortune.
During the rising action Faustus sits in his study looking over various texts in traditional subjects rejecting them until he turns at last to a book of magic. In spite of warnings from the good angel that appears arguing with an evil one attempted Faustus settles on learning it. Leader in a demonstration of his conjuring skills Faustus summons up the devil Mephistopheles who serves a more powerful master, Lucifer the Prince of Devil's. Mephistopheles warns that by dabbling in magic Faustus risks corruption of his soul and the torments of damnation. Faustus sends the devil back to his master with an offer, the soul of Faustus in exchange for 24 years of service from Mephistopheles
In Act Two- Mephistopheles returns to Faustus and tells him Lucifer has agreed to the deal provided Faustus will write and sign the agreements for his soul in blood. Mephistopheles showers him with rich gifts and devilish entertainment and then provides all the books Faustus desires on spells and incantations, Faustus signs.
 In act Three - Faustus uses his dark powers and travel to Rome where he visits the Pope harassing and abusing him and his inner circle with his metaphysical pranks.
In act Four - Faustus travels throughout Europe, appearing at the courts of Kings and earning an impressive reputation for wit and knowledge of the black arts like a true entertainer. Faustus conjures up Alexander the Great for emperor of Carolus v but when a knight mocks the doctor's skill petty vengeful Faustus gives him a pair of horns on his head. Later he entertains a Duke and Duchess producing grapes in the winter, Wow really worth selling your soul over for sure.
In act Five -The final act to 24 years allotted to the doom doctor are winding down and soon it will be time to forfeit his soul. An old man appears and begs him to repent and asks God's forgiveness though briefly tempted Faustus reaffirms his vow to Lucifer and blood. Panicking Faustus begs Lucifer to spare him or for Earth to bury him and hide him from the wrath of God. But Faustus's destiny is fixed the clock strikes twelve.
In the play's Climax - Lucifer's minions appear and drag the doctor’s soul off to hell. During the falling action the chorus confirms Faustus's soul is damned and lost forever. In the plays resolution the chorus makes clear the whole play is a cautionary tale of forbidden knowledge and damnation you.

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