Thursday, August 13, 2020



Written in about 1600 AD, Hamlet is one of the most famous of Shakespeare's tragedies. The term tragedy means that most if not all, of the main characters are dead by the end of the play and Hamlet is certainly no exception. When the play begins Hamlet's father King Hamlet of Denmark has recently and suddenly died .His mother Gertrude quickly married Hamlet's uncle Claudius and so Claudius is now the new King of Denmark. Hamlet is quite troubled and suspicious about all this but there is not much he can do about it. Until one night the soldiers keeping watch on the battlements of Elsinore castle tell him they believe they've seen the ghost of the old dead King. Hamlet waits on the battlements, eventually the ghost does come to him and explains that he was indeed murdered by Claudius. Naturally Hamlet wants revenge for his father but decides to get more details first. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, Marcellus a soldier. Hamlet does this by pretending he has lost his mind and then watching the reactions of all concerned. Hamlet has been wooing Ophelia the daughter of a courtier named Polonius but suddenly spurns her. Claudius, Polonius and a few of Hamlet's friends all spy on his actions trying to find out what's wrong with him. But they can draw no conclusions. Then in a famous sequence a group of traveling actors arrives at Elsinore castle. Hamlet writes his own play for them to perform. A play he calls the murder of Gonzago and it tells the same story as that of his father's death. He intends again to watch Claudius his reactions as the murder plays out before his eyes. Prince Hamlet states, the plays the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king. Polonius demands that his daughter o philia, returned the letters and gifts that Hamlet has given her. But when she does, Hamlet rages at her and she leaves his presence quite distraught. Right after this is the performance of the play Claudius is highly insulted and agitated at the sight of the player King being murdered, by having poison poured into his ears. He runs from the room and when Hamlet sees that he is convinced that Claudius is guilty. Claudius is shaken and repentant at thinking he has been found out. When Hamlet finds him praying he is about to kill him but decides against it for he does not want the man to go to heaven. Which he would do if he died while praying yet a short time later. Hamlet discovers someone spying on him from behind a curtain he runs the man through with his sword thinking it's Claudius but it is Polonius. Afilias heartbroken to the point of madness by both her father's death and Hamlet's rejection of her. Her brother Laertes returns from France in a rage at Hamlet and challenges him to a duel. Then it has learned that poor Ophelia has fallen into a river and drown. so now Laertes has lost two members of his family. Once Ophelia is buried the duel begins. Unknown to Hamlet Laertes has a poison-tipped Foyle and Claudius has a goblet of poisoned wine for Hamlet should he win. In the scuffling both Hamlet and Laertes are wounded by the poisoned sword but Gertrude picks up the poisoned wine to offer a toast to her son and drinks i.t she collapses and dies. Laertes confesses the plot to Hamlet and Hamlet kills Claudius. in moments both ladies in Hamlet die of their poisoned wounds and now the entire Danish royal family lies dead. the kingdom is taken over by Prince Fortinbras of Norway. The story of Hamlet is primarily one of revenge gone terribly wrong and of how the revenge itself can so easily get out of control and end up costing far more than just the initial loss. Hamlet was not looking for justice but for revenge and in the end it took his life in that of several innocent people around him and ended in the loss of the kingdom as well. Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's most performed plays and has been made into several motion pictures as well. 

Doctor Faustus

Doctor Faustus - Prologue

In the prologue of Doctor Faustus the chorus introduces the play by announcing that what you are about to hear is no tale of warfare romance in a king's court or heroic deeds but instead audiences will witness the story of Faustus a common man from a regular small town called Rhodes in Germany. Growing up Faustus went to live with relatives in Vinton berth attended the University and studied theology. He excelled in his studies and soon earned his degree along with earning his title of doctor .However pride and ambition led him down the path of black magic and like the mythological figure Icarus who soared too near to the hot Sun on wings of wax and feathers. So too did Faustus go too far testing fate in his own eternal soul against his pursuit of limitless knowledge. The chorus then introduces Doctor Faustus in the present who now sits in his study poring over books of black magic. The prologue introduces Doctor Faustus establishes his personal history and makes it clear from the get-go that he's doomed by pride and ambition. Again Marlowe draws on the tradition of Greek mythology comparing Faustus's downfall to that of the boy Icarus whose father Daedalus makes him a pair of wings from feathers and wax but warned Icarus not to fly too close to the Sun lest the heat melt the wax .Forgetting his father's wise warning Icarus recklessly flies higher and higher and when the wax melts, the feathers scatter and Icarus falls to his death. similarly Faustus too will fly high and be destroyed for it. Renaissance era humanists stressed the individual's potential for self-direction, goodness and rational existence without divine oversight. the chorus states that Faustus in his self-conceit will turn away from heavenly matters of theology to focus upon cursed necromancy. This pursuit involves speaking with the dead in order to predict the future.

Doctor Faustus

Doctor Faustus -Plot Summary

Let's review the plot of Doctor Faustus. The play is composed of acts that include: chorus, interludes and scenes comprised of action.
In act 1 - Doctor John Faustus is introduced by the chorus in the introduction, the chorus explains that his story is not a tale of warfare or love but of a budding intellectual who has choose traditional areas of study to explore necromancy or black magic for fame and fortune.
During the rising action Faustus sits in his study looking over various texts in traditional subjects rejecting them until he turns at last to a book of magic. In spite of warnings from the good angel that appears arguing with an evil one attempted Faustus settles on learning it. Leader in a demonstration of his conjuring skills Faustus summons up the devil Mephistopheles who serves a more powerful master, Lucifer the Prince of Devil's. Mephistopheles warns that by dabbling in magic Faustus risks corruption of his soul and the torments of damnation. Faustus sends the devil back to his master with an offer, the soul of Faustus in exchange for 24 years of service from Mephistopheles
In Act Two- Mephistopheles returns to Faustus and tells him Lucifer has agreed to the deal provided Faustus will write and sign the agreements for his soul in blood. Mephistopheles showers him with rich gifts and devilish entertainment and then provides all the books Faustus desires on spells and incantations, Faustus signs.
 In act Three - Faustus uses his dark powers and travel to Rome where he visits the Pope harassing and abusing him and his inner circle with his metaphysical pranks.
In act Four - Faustus travels throughout Europe, appearing at the courts of Kings and earning an impressive reputation for wit and knowledge of the black arts like a true entertainer. Faustus conjures up Alexander the Great for emperor of Carolus v but when a knight mocks the doctor's skill petty vengeful Faustus gives him a pair of horns on his head. Later he entertains a Duke and Duchess producing grapes in the winter, Wow really worth selling your soul over for sure.
In act Five -The final act to 24 years allotted to the doom doctor are winding down and soon it will be time to forfeit his soul. An old man appears and begs him to repent and asks God's forgiveness though briefly tempted Faustus reaffirms his vow to Lucifer and blood. Panicking Faustus begs Lucifer to spare him or for Earth to bury him and hide him from the wrath of God. But Faustus's destiny is fixed the clock strikes twelve.
In the play's Climax - Lucifer's minions appear and drag the doctor’s soul off to hell. During the falling action the chorus confirms Faustus's soul is damned and lost forever. In the plays resolution the chorus makes clear the whole play is a cautionary tale of forbidden knowledge and damnation you.

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