Friday, August 28, 2020

University of Wits

University Wits

 2. Match List I with List II

 List I                                   List II 

 (a) George Peele                (i) Cornelia 

 (b) Robert Greene             (ii) Eupheus 

 (c) John Lyly                     (iii) The Arraignment of Paris 

 (d) Thomas Kyd                (iv) The Pinner of Wakefield

 Codes:   (a)      (b)         (c)           (d) 

        (1)   (iii)    (i)          (iv)         (ii) 

        (2)   (iii)    (ii)          (iv)         (i) 

        (3)   (iii)    (iv)         (ii)          (i) 

        (4)    (ii)    (iv)          (i)         (iii) 

Background Context: University Wits are the University Graduates from the Cambridge and Oxford. They Contributed a lot to the setting of dramatic performances and dramatic literature before the arrival of the important Dramatists such as Ben Jonson and Willian Shakespeare. The group of the University Wits consists of great Writers like Thomas Kyd, George Peele, Robert Greene, Thomas Lodge, Thomas Nashe and Christopher Marlowe. All of them Revolves around the central sun Marlowe. These Universities men were usually actors as well as Dramatists. 

Explanation: Explanation: John Lyly, the courtier made notable contribution to the formation of English Comedy. His Comedies are romantic as well as witty. The University Wits made Definite improvement in the art of Characterisation. Lyly is best known for his romantic prose work “Euphues” that gave English Language Euphuistic Style. The comedies of GEORGE PEELE are both satirical as well as humorous. Peele made drama rich and decorative by his poetic wealth. “The Arrangement of Paris” (1584) is a pastoral play in verse which celebrates Queen Elizabeth’s Beauty and Virtue. Kyd probably begin his career as a popular playwright about 1583 and produced his most significant work “The Spanish Comedy”. He translated Torquato Tasso’s Padre de famiglia (1583) published as The Householder’s Philosophy (1588) is the only non-dramatic work attributed to Kyd and Robert Garnier’s Cornelia published as the same name in 1594. Robert Greene is considered as the foremost of the University of Wits in terms of literary output and in terms of the colourful life that he enjoyed during that time and it is said about him that “he was the publish, remained the longest and the first to leave”. He was a prolific writer, he produced over 20 works which are credited to his own name. The play George a Greene The pinner of Wakefield which provide George with his name was written in 1593 by an anonymous writer. 

Direct Answer (3) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

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