Saturday, September 12, 2020




An illusion is a casual or indirect reference to something else such as another work of literature a historical event a biblical story or mythology. An Illusion is an act of deception or a false portrayal of reality. Make sure not to get them confused.

For an example of Allusion if an author writes Dante was a modern-day Romeo and the girls just fell for him. Because the author is referencing Romeo and how easily girls love him from William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, this is an illusion.

Different types of Allusion:-

There are four main types of Allusions:

Literary Allusions reference another work of literature.

Historical Allusions reference an event in history. 

Classical Allusions reference Greek mythology.  

Biblical Allusions reference an event in the Bible.

Allusions provide context without having to give a lengthy description look at the example- He is a modern-day Romeo. If you know the backstory of Romeo you know how easily Juliet fell in love with him. So it's easier to use an Allusion than to explain Romeo's description.

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